Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ipoh [Kellie's Castle]

Interseting Place for visit @ Ipoh

Kellie's Castle

It locates near Batu Gajah
Can travel using KTM from KL to Batu Gajah then a short drive for about 15-20min from the station.

It's an unfinished, ruined mansion, built by a William Kellie Smith (Scotish planter)
There is quite a lot of mystery about the castle

It's one of the attraction @ Ipoh Perak area.

Some picture taken @ the area

Kellie's castle

For inside look go & pay a visit to this place & have a look yourself.
Due to doing quest @ this area no time for taking picture inside the Kellie's castle
You won't regreat.
It's quite spooky in some of the area inside ...

An interesting place for a short visit :)

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